The ORADO Training and Capacity Building Programme is a strategic undertaking to extract the training activities that have to date, been couched in the Anti-Doping or Doping Control headline programme and offer this suite, more visibility, prominence, and measurement in a move to boost partnerships and resource mobilisation.
This programme will be developed and delivered through greater strategic positioning so that Members, International and Regional Federations, Major Event Organisers, and other stakeholders have access to information on opportunities.
The key training and capacity building initiatives under this Programme will include the training of Sample Collection (Doping Control Officers), Chaperones and Blood Collection Officers; training of NADOs in communications, advocacy and lobby; and training in the governance and operational functions of organisations.
There is a need to collate training and capacity building in order to improve quality and cohesion; prepare and monitor trainers; improve calendar scheduling and offerings according to national, regional and global sporting and meeting events; and to systematically measure real impact.