
The ORADO Partnerships Programme focuses on bridging the ORADO Programme and team with the Executive Board and external stakeholders.

It is a high-level communications, advocacy and lobby Programme that works to build and maintain relationships, build financial sustainability, work with NADOs to increase visibility and voice in key national platforms, enhance ORADO to the global RADO network, and promote Oceania Continent athlete engagement in doping control, particularly, the protection and amplification of Clean Athletes.

Historically, ORADO partnerships have focused on NADO Members and Major Event Organisers (MEOs) aside from key partners, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) and the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA). This will continue and be strengthened as it develops and implements strategic priorities in the new 2022 to 2025 quadrennial. 

The new key pivot in the Partnerships Programme will be the move to prioritise ORADO support toward the implementation of the UNESCO Convention Against Doping in Sport (the Convention) among Pacific States Parties. 

ORADO will prioritise this Outreach and Visibility activity through the strategic use of its new website, social media channels, and positioning at events to improve Pacific Government’s understanding of its work. It will also work more strategically with NADOs to communicate activities and impact so that contributions to periodic reporting by Pacific States Parties may recognise and absorb national activities by NADOs. To this end, it will access UNESCO opportunities for partnerships and assistance on behalf of Members. 

It is hoped that such recognition and inclusion at national levels will in the medium to long term, translate to shared resourcing through technical assistance, knowledge sharing and funding for NADOs. 

The Partnerships Programme, therefore, rests heavily on relationship building, formalisation of partnerships, and strategic support to NADOs to improve their national standing, access to resources, and strategic communications and knowledge sharing through all its digital platforms.

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